Saturday, March 7, 2009

writing you poetry

love more, but not too much
think less, but think enough
be enthusiastic, but not too loud
because guys don't like girls like that

ask him, no wait for it
be bold, no let him
be choosy, but don't pass it up
laugh at his jokes and always let him win

don't call afterwards to say it was fun
don't be too available
never do anything too kind the next week
or he'll get the wrong idea

don't wonder how he's doing
or visit him at home
rather, wait patiently on friday
for that familiar ring...

i will love and I will think about it
i will be enthusiastic because guys really do like girls like that

i will ask if i have to
i will laugh when it's funny, and i will NOT let you win :)

i will call
i will be available
i will be kind
and you can have whatever ideas about it you want

i will wonder how you are
i will visit

i will listen, and love, and write you poetry

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