Thursday, March 5, 2009

how to: get things done

dear love,

some things in life are just so funny. i think its funny how some days i just procrastinate and don't get anything done. and then the days where i have to read 100 pages of john locke (aka today) i get so much done! and i'm not talking about getting the john locke reading done, i'm talking about all kinds of other things i've been wanting to do. the only reason i got anything done was the overpowering distaste for having to read for philosophy. as a result, my bathroom and room are spotless, i have uploaded a new album to facebook, i've organized the next 2 months of my life via calendaring, went grocery shopping, and now i'm blogging. i was even considering writing in my poor neglected journal, but i'm sure that's coming next. so here's the lesson learned: when you want to get things done, give yourself a huge daunting task with a deadline, and then you will quickly get the other 20 things you are supposed to do out of the way in order to avoid the huge task. 

i also think that the word "baller" is funny. my mom didn't know what it meant and was worried because she saw that i posted something on my sister's wall like, "my new comp is baller". she was worried that this might be a bad thing. so she called my sister to ask what it meant. she wondered if it was a bad word. i laughed for days.

please look at this poor child. yet another hilarity of life. high children.

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