Tuesday, March 31, 2009

good things

dear love,

here is my first list, a list of all the wonderful things going on in my life right now. i was talking to my friend, ali on the phone today and i had so many things to tell her about how great life is right now. so i thought i would share it with you, love.
  1. i'm officially into the dietetics program here at BYU
  2. i'm accepted to do EFY this summer!
  3. to avoid being TOO personal, the man-sitch is good right now
  4. i have an amazing home to come home to
  5. roommates are better than i could even ask for--i learn so much from them both every day
  6. i am in an amazing ward with so many people around me teaching me and showing me how to be better than i am
  7. i have a job, and in this time of economic struggle, that is such a blessing
  8. i'm healthy
  9. i'm happy
  10. the sun is starting to come out 
i'm making steps in the right direction. i'm setting goals, learning, and most of all trying. so yay for that.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the usual

dear love, 

i like to think i'm smooth. i like to believe that i can talk to just about anyone and not really get nervous or awkward. but i thought i would share an experience today. i was working at the moa cafe and, of course, a really good looking guy walked in. i smiled at him and got him what he ordered...and i straight TRIPPED right in front of him. my heel got caught on one of the mats and it was just really really funny. i actually was so close to falling that i had to put my hand down on the floor to stop myself. i'm laughing right now as i'm writing this, remembering the look on his face when i fell. he was concerned and sweet, but i felt SO DUMB! what the heck is up with that? how is it that i helped probably like 100 people that day and i have to be a total dummy in front of the CUTE ONE?!? well, i think the answer is that it builds character and it makes it so that i have something to tell my grandchildren or something. 

don't think that this is an isolated event. no, quite the contrary actually. i do stuff like this all the time and i just love it because i crack myself up. another time, at the moa too, i was talking about how cute our little garbage guy was (who apparently was engaged at the time--how was i supposed to know??) and he WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM as i was saying this. anyway, there are too many of these little experiences to remember them all, but hopefully you got a little chuckle out of this, love. more accounts of embarrassing tales to tell soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

it's ok to be ok

dear love,

today two things have been on my mind: it's ok to be ok, and sometimes you just gotta jump. to all the (maybe) five people who actually read my blog, let me put a disclaimer on this one: don't assume that you know what specific life event i'm talking about. i don't even really know what i'm talking about. all i know is that this has been on my mind today. with that said, let's get into it.

sometimes things happen. and they suck. and then they seem to get worse and worse and you have no idea how to get past this mountain of struggle before you. actually, maybe it's more like this: you're sitting on the wing of a plane, and all of a sudden, the plane takes off. (this was a real dream of mine by the way, love the symbolism). anyway, the more you wait to jump off, the higher you get, and the worse it will feel. you are so scared to jump, but you have to do it soon, or else it will be too late. 

so when things happen that situations where you have to jump, just do it. do it before you're so high in the sky that jumping will really hurt or maybe even kill you :) (but that's not really funny). 

let's bring this to real life. an opportunity presents itself like falling in love or a possibility to travel or move or make a big change in your life, and you are afraid to jump. the more you stress about your situation, the worse it will get. a real life situation: you want to talk to someone and become friends with them but you're afraid to look dumb or say the wrong thing. so you wait and wait and build it up in your mind, and your conscience tells you that you really should be befriending that certain person. but you tell yourself, laterlaterlater and then it never really gets done because all the waiting has made it harder. or this: you want to make an improvement on yourself (your thinking, your habits, your lifestyle, etc.) but you just keep telling yourself that you're too scared, or not ready. sooner or later those convictions of change and goodness fade into the backdrop and are no longer likely to happen. acting on those days where everything makes sense, seizing that moment to become better is where real change happens. last example: having your heart broken, your world betrayed, or having your soul desecrated. these times of grief are so painful, and no human being escapes this world without them. while i agree that allowing yourself to feel and be sad or a while is fine and even healthy, there comes a point where you just need to JUMP. and be ok. and thrive. jump when you're ready of course, but please, do jump. don't live your life thinking you will just get over it tomorrow, or even worse, forgetting about the problem itself. think about it, deal with it, find someone you trust, and then when you are ready, take the jump and be ok. 

on to my last thought. when you are ok after something catastrophic in your life, it's ok to feel that way. people will try to tell you that you have to take 6 months to get over "a" and a whole year to finally rise above trial "b". not true. you decide. being ok after a trial is ok. i just wanted you to know that, love, so that you can remember that life is beautiful. 

Monday, March 23, 2009


dear love,

the past few days i've even heard seagulls flying around provo. what's the deal with that? i didn't know they lived in the snow! maybe they just couldn't make up their mind about whether or not to fly south or north, so they just flew east. they're just fickle. 

fickle. it's a funny word, and it's the way i'm feeling lately. i think it's the way a lot of people are feeling. somedays the world makes so much sense and other times i just don't know. those ups and downs is what makes it interesting though. 

then there's the weather--even the weather is fickle. last friday i was in shorts, and today it was snowing! what a tease. it's resisting the lure of springtime. but not for long! soon the colors will come back, the birds will chirp, and the sun will shine. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

why i am attracted to this man?

dear love,

i have a weird confession. i am really attracted to this late-forty-year-old man i work with in the nicu. his hair goes down past his shoulders, and is curly, and he gels it. he wears one of those little hats. he also has a beard! i don't understand this attraction, but i'm pretty sure it has something to do with how nice he is. he always works in night shift and every time i come in, he is always chatting it up with one of the nurses, helping her out with either a serious life problem, or with taking care of one of her babies. he always stays after his shift ends to help people who are scrambling to get feedings in, meds, or just finishing their charting. AND, he actually acknowledges my presence, and ALWAYS smiles at me. there's something about his voice too. scratchy and raspy. LOVE IT! weird, i know, but i just had to get this out there. i guess attractiveness doesn't come in only one form for me. that is all. have a nice day.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

writing you poetry

love more, but not too much
think less, but think enough
be enthusiastic, but not too loud
because guys don't like girls like that

ask him, no wait for it
be bold, no let him
be choosy, but don't pass it up
laugh at his jokes and always let him win

don't call afterwards to say it was fun
don't be too available
never do anything too kind the next week
or he'll get the wrong idea

don't wonder how he's doing
or visit him at home
rather, wait patiently on friday
for that familiar ring...


i will love and I will think about it
i will be enthusiastic because guys really do like girls like that

i will ask if i have to
i will laugh when it's funny, and i will NOT let you win :)

i will call
i will be available
i will be kind
and you can have whatever ideas about it you want

i will wonder how you are
i will visit

i will listen, and love, and write you poetry

Thursday, March 5, 2009

how to: get things done

dear love,

some things in life are just so funny. i think its funny how some days i just procrastinate and don't get anything done. and then the days where i have to read 100 pages of john locke (aka today) i get so much done! and i'm not talking about getting the john locke reading done, i'm talking about all kinds of other things i've been wanting to do. the only reason i got anything done was the overpowering distaste for having to read for philosophy. as a result, my bathroom and room are spotless, i have uploaded a new album to facebook, i've organized the next 2 months of my life via calendaring, went grocery shopping, and now i'm blogging. i was even considering writing in my poor neglected journal, but i'm sure that's coming next. so here's the lesson learned: when you want to get things done, give yourself a huge daunting task with a deadline, and then you will quickly get the other 20 things you are supposed to do out of the way in order to avoid the huge task. 

i also think that the word "baller" is funny. my mom didn't know what it meant and was worried because she saw that i posted something on my sister's wall like, "my new comp is baller". she was worried that this might be a bad thing. so she called my sister to ask what it meant. she wondered if it was a bad word. i laughed for days.

please look at this poor child. yet another hilarity of life. high children.