Thursday, May 7, 2009

look alive

dear love, 

thought one: tell me if you've ever done this: stood in front of the mirror as you are getting ready for bed, closed your eyes for a good 20 seconds and then opened them really close to the mirror to watch your pupils go from huge to tiny? maybe i'm the only one, but for some reason, this just fascinates me. it's never really possible to see our eyes when our pupils are really dilated and i love to try and trick them to get a quick glance of what my eyes look like with absolutely no light. it's crazy how our body naturally adjusts itself in different environments to come to the ideal way to take in the world around us. it's kind of a metaphor for situations i constantly find myself in. whenever i see a situation or trial or opportunity in life the first few minutes, hours, weeks (depending on what we're talking about) are hazy and unfocused. but things happen naturally to adjust and work themselves out to be able to see again, and to alter the amount of light let in for understanding, and it just naturally works out so that we are learning the exact things we need to learn through those different times. we might try to control our eyes, and keep them dilated when we look into the light, but the effort is futile because of the beauty and perfection of our physiology. just as we may try to alter our own situations, and make them the way we want, we need to understand that things will work out. we will adjust and learn what we need to when we need to learn it.

thought two: what is better than a bike ride on a warm spring night? katherine and i did that tonight and had one of those conversations that really just makes you feel like you care for someone and are cared for in return. i love conversations where you ask questions, and the responses speak to your heart, and they could have easily been something you yourself would have said. and the girl makes me laugh! and we learned how to say thank you.

thought three: advice advice advice advice. everyone wants to help, and everyone wants to be involved in things that are important to me. but i've really learned that i already know what to do before people give me advice. this is not to say that i never need it, because heaven knows i do, but i sometimes get wrapped up in asking people what to do and forget that the answers are usually clearly sitting in front of me. i forget to trust where my heart is, and i forget to follow it. so i'm resolving right here right now to do just that. pay attention to my heart: learn, introspect, study, and listen to it.

1 comment:

  1. You rock girl! I love every second of you.

    p.s. Hollar on the not trusting yourself. I have to ask my mom if she thinks i should go to the doctor or take a certain job. I'm 25. Woops.
