Sunday, April 12, 2009

why don't i just become an insomniac?

dear love,

i'm warning you that i haven't slept much, (hence the title) so this one could be a little weird. i'm feeling a little weird. and annoyed. and tired. and kind of like there are 50 things to do in the next week. this is just how it gets during finals though . . . so much to write and read and cram into your brain and only a small amount of time to do this in. so what do i choose to do instead? blog. that's right, i'm putting it all out there. 

i made a list of all the things i need to do before the end of the semester (just over a week). it's a long list, and i think i just wont sleep much. good? no. wouldn't life just be better if you just didn't need to sleep for a while? you could just pause your normal schedule and just say, "hey, i need like 5 days of pure productivity--and that does not involve sleeping. mmk? glad you understand. and body, hang in there, don't shut down on me. and mood, stay happy and sweet and fun. and face, don't get those nasty circles under your eyes that sometimes make you look like you have an abusive sitch goin on. oh an by the way brain, remember all the things you study during those days of awake-ness and don't start to expand in my skull and give me a headache. thanks everyone for cooperating!" wouldn't it be nice to tell yourself those things?

i'm about to tackle the first few things on my list. now that i've blogged, it just feels right to continue to stay up late and wake up early. thanks for sorting this out for me love, you're a true friend.


  1. Word. Eat chocolate and everything will seem doable, or avoidable... nevermind. Love you!

  2. Dear paige,

    I too hope that the massive expansion of your brain did not cause your brain skull to burst. By the looks of your last blog, all went well, though, and you are happily in Cali. Well done, love!
