Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the mullet never gets old

dear love,

today i saw something amazing. i saw a little pre-teen boy with a legit mullet. and wranglers (they were TIGHT!!) and a wife beater. and a mullet. needless to say, when we saw this little guy we knew i had to try to get a picture with my phone because it's a widely known fact that i take amazing stalking creeper pics of weirdos. sorry to say i didn't get to take one because right as we caught up to him, he did an about face and headed the other direction. it would have looked really crazy if we did the same thing and followed him so the moment was lost. we didn't get that picture. but please just picture it in your mind and smile.

it may or may not have looked a little like this

Monday, August 2, 2010


dear love,

i have been trying to come up with some fancy and exciting way of saying this but i've decided just to say it simply--i'm in love. yes, i love my fiance but i'm actually talking about something else. here it goes...

i can't even help it. i love everything about it. i love the way it's always the perfect melty consistency. i love it on toast, on pancakes, on ice cream, and even just by its little self on a spoon.

i've done a little research. the sources vary somewhat, but they all agree that nutella was originally created during times where cocoa beans were either unavailable or too expensive. pastry makers wanted a way to keep the chocolatey flavor going without the expense of chocolate. so they found hazelnuts! what a miracle!

sometimes i have to force myself not to buy it because it can disappear way too quickly. other times i'm so good about eating just a spoonful everyday. i had my spoonful today and it was a great day! you should try it.